Meeting documents

Devon County Council - Committee Report

Code No: HTM/13/40

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Exeter Highways and Traffic Orders Committee

18 April 2013

Proposed Highways Works: Permanent Closure of Prince Charles Road, Exeter

Report of the Head of Highways and Traffic Management

Please note that the following recommendations are subject to consideration and determination by the Committee before taking effect.

Recommendation: It is recommended that:

(a) the responses to the advertised Traffic Regulation Order and public consultation be noted;

(b) the summary of the considerations of the working party, following a site meeting with residents, be noted; and

(c) the Traffic Regulation Order be made and sealed and the scheme be implemented as advertised.

1. Summary

The purpose of this report is to seek approval to make and seal a traffic regulation order for the prohibition of motor vehicles on Prince Charles Road west of the junction of St Katherine's Road, and other restrictions, as shown in Appendix I.

At its meeting on 8 November 2012, this Committee considered a report detailing the background of, and reasons for, the proposed closure of a 25 metre length of Prince Charles Road connecting to St. Katherine's Road. The report also detailed consultation responses from residents affected by the closure.

The Committee resolved that:

(a) The responses from local residents in support of and against the proposed Prince Charles Road closure be noted;

(b) That a traffic regulation order for the restrictions shown on drawing ENV5258/9/C (including the closure of Prince Charles Road near the junction of St. Katherine's Road) be advertised and the results of the consultation be reported to a future meeting of this Committee;

(c) That a working party comprising the Chairman and local members be established to work with local residents affected positively and negatively by the closure to develop proposals to help mitigate issues raised by objectors for consideration by this Committee at a future meeting.

2. Background/Introduction

Prince Charles Road operated as a westbound one-way traffic restricted route just west of the junction with St Katherine's Road; however, it is currently subject to a temporary closure, which was granted for a maximum of 18 months on 2 April 2012.

At this time, consultation with local police indicated that the reduced length of the one way restriction on Prince Charles Road would be unenforceable. There was concern that vehicles would not adhere to the one-way traffic restriction, causing significant safety hazards to road users including cyclists and pedestrians.

3. Proposal

The attached plan (refer to Appendix I) shows the location of the proposed permanent closure of Prince Charles Road near the junction of St Katherine's Road, Exeter. The permanent closure on Prince Charles Road will maintain the prohibition of vehicular traffic between Prince Charles Road and St Katherine's Road.

Whilst officers have used traffic data within the Morrisons' Transport Assessment to predict the likely amount of traffic that would divert onto alternative routes, the temporary road closure has allowed the effects of a permanent closure to be better understood. The increased level in traffic on Beacon Lane was not anticipated to cause capacity or safety problems.

To coincide with the proposed prohibition, the existing one-way and banned right turn, in Prince Charles Road, would be revoked and no waiting at any time is proposed for the new access roads to keep them clear of parked vehicles. For consistency, prohibition of all vehicles has been advertised for the areas of carriageway that have been realigned.

4. Consultations/Representations

A letter was sent to approximately 200 properties affected by the closure of Prince Charles Road, which explained the HATOC process and requested their views either in support or in objection to the current arrangements. The letter consultation included residents living on Prince Charles Road, St Katherine's Road, Latimer Road, Calthorpe Road, Beacon Lane (north of St Katherine's Road junction), and Bettys Mead.

Responses from 92 properties were received in the form of petitions for and against, emails and letters. 57% of responses were in support of the road closure and 43% of residents' responses were opposed.

Generally, residents living on Prince Charles Road directly affected by the closure, St Katherine's Road, and Calthorpe Road by Prince Charles Road junction are strongly in favour of a permanent closure to Prince Charles Road.

The response from residents living on Beacon Lane and Bettys Mead is generally a strong objection to the permanent closure of Prince Charles Road.

There are marginally more people in favour of a permanent closure to through traffic on Prince Charles Road. Taking into account the traffic data evidence and views of highways safety colleagues and local police officers in respect of safety and enforceability of the one way section, it was recommended that a permanent TRO be advertised.

The Traffic Regulation Order was advertised between 28 February and 21 March 2013. A summary of formal responses, received by the County Solicitor, is attached to this report as Appendix II and reflects a marginal reversal in the results previously reported following informal consultation.

5. Summary of the Working Party

A site meeting was held on the afternoon of Tuesday 12 March 2012. This was attended by County Councillors Spence and Westlake, Exeter City Councillors, DCC Officers and approximately 12 representatives of local residents.

Originally, the invited attendees included the two resident's representatives who had presented their cases to the November HATOC meeting. Subsequently, the proposal was discussed at a meeting of the Beacon Heath Community Forum on 11 March and reference was made to the site meeting and an invitation extended to residents to attend. Concern has subsequently been raised from opponents to the proposal, that attendance was not equally representative.

Councillor Westlake highlighted the purpose of the meeting and officers explained the background and the reasons for promoting the permanent closure, details of which may be found in the full HATOC report of 8 November 2012.

Local opinion, expressed by those attending, was generally in favour of the proposal to permanently close the linking, vehicular, highway between St. Katherine's Road and Prince Charles Road. Generally, residents living on St. Katherine's Road, Prince Charles Road (directly affected by the closure) and Calthorpe Road, expressed views and observations relating to the decrease in traffic which, they consider, has created a safer environment for residents and pedestrians, greater protection for on-street parking and improvements for children walking and cycling to the two schools nearby. The general speed of vehicles is perceived to have reduced to a safer level and the area is quieter.

Those against the proposed scheme advised that they had made, or are making, formal representation to the advertised Traffic Regulation Order. Their objections are considered as part of this report. The basis of the objection is that with traffic volumes on St Katherine's Road having reduced, greater flows are apparent on Beacon Lane, north of its junction with St. Katherine's to its junction with Calthorpe Road. Congestion issues have been raised as a matter of concern by the opponents, who observe more traffic waiting to exit onto Calthorpe Road. Queues are anticipated to be generated over a longer distance causing increased levels of inconvenience, noise and air pollution. Residents are also claiming difficulty when exiting from their properties.

To address the concerns of congestion, a study to determine the feasibility of constructing a mini roundabout at the Calthorpe Road junction has commenced as was suggested at the site meeting. Initial indications are positive. Implementation of such a feature would appease the concerns of the residents, support the 20mph speed limit and address safety concerns for this junction, which is predicted to become busier as residential development in Harrington Lane, Pinhoe and to the east of Exeter progress. A mini-roundabout scheme will be pursued in consultation with local members and audited as appropriate.

A suggestion to introduce a circulatory system by making St. Katherine's Road and the top end of Beacon Lane one-way has been dismissed on the grounds of road safety, the inappropriate status of St Katherine's Road to carry through traffic and the potential conflict with pedestrians and cyclists.

Concern for pedestrian safety as a result of the closure, particularly children, when crossing Beacon Lane to and from Bettys Mead, the Willowbrook School and St. James' School, has been raised. In response, it was advised at the site meeting that a primary cycle route is being developed between the University and the East of Exeter via the Redhayes Bridge as part of the Exeter Cycling Strategy. St. Katherine's Road, into and through Bettys Mead playing field, forms part of the strategic route and a scheme to reduce the size of the bellmouth junction at St. Katherine's Road onto Beacon Lane and to provide safer crossing facilities on Beacon Lane has been prepared. Implementation of this scheme may be achieved during the forthcoming financial year, subject to approval by a future meeting of this Committee.

In conclusion, it was agreed by everyone present at the site meeting that public safety was of the highest priority and due regard will be given to this when determining the Traffic Regulation Order.

6. Financial Considerations

As a physical closure is currently in place, the costs of making this arrangement permanent will be those associated with advertising the traffic order, which are funded by the development.

Should a decision be taken to reopen Prince Charles Road, it has been explained to the developer's agent that these works would need to be carried out at no additional cost to Devon County Council.

The estimated cost to the contractor for removing the road closure on Prince Charles Road and reinstating the route for one-way vehicular use is estimated at approximately 5-10,000.

Initial estimates for the construction of a mini-roundabout at the junction of Beacon Lane with Calthorpe indicate that a scheme could be implemented for approximately 7-10,000 to include kerb and drainage re-alignment, revised road markings and illuminated signing.

7. Sustainability Considerations

Consultation with residents in the immediate vicinity of the Prince Charles Road closure has highlighted some of the benefits of a permanent closure, increasing the safety of walking routes to schools and the new store, which will encourage more people to walk to local services.

8. Carbon Impact Considerations

The closure has meant that a large proportion of the traffic previously using St Katherine's Road as a cut through is now travelling an extra 160m via Beacon Lane. However, taking into account the fewer total journeys being made northbound on the southern section of Beacon Lane, the overall impact on carbon emissions is anticipated to be neutral.

9. Equality Considerations

Children are considered to be the key 'at risk' or vulnerable groups who would benefit from the closure to through traffic on Prince Charles Road. Many responses referred to safer streets for children playing, particularly in the St Katherine's Road area. There were also positive comments about safer walking routes to the supermarket via St Katherine's Road, benefiting elderly people and people with mobility issues. The crossing of Beacon Lane was however, raised as an issue with increased levels of traffic on this route making it more difficult to cross the road.

10. Legal Considerations

A traffic regulation order to close the road to motorised vehicles and amend the one way/banned turns has been advertised in accordance with the Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996. Consultation responses to the advertisement are listed in Appendix II.

11. Risk Management Considerations

It is important to note that although kerbs and planting have been installed, the closure on Prince Charles Road must currently be regarded as a temporary instalment. A temporary traffic regulation order is in place for a maximum period of 18 months from 2 April 2012. Now that the highway works associated with the Morrisons development are complete, apart from outstanding remedial works associated with the Safety Audit, one way operation on Prince Charles Road should be reinstated, unless the recommended traffic regulation order is progressed.

12. Public Health Impact

On balance, the scheme is expected to have a positive impact on public health by reducing vehicle numbers along Prince Charles Road and St Katherine's Road, increasing safety and providing improved pedestrian routes for children travelling to Willowbrook and St James' Schools, and people walking to Morrisons. A number of responses referred to an increased sense of community as a result of the closure.

13. Options/Alternatives

The alternative to a permanent closure of Prince Charles Road near the junction of St Katherine's Road, is to re-open Prince Charles Road to one-way westbound vehicular traffic.

This option is supported by a significant number of residents living on Beacon Lane and Bettys Mead.

14. Reason for Recommendation

The proposed scheme to permanently suspend the one-way section west of St Katherine's Road junction with Prince Charles Road has support from a large number of people currently affected by the temporary closure. It is anticipated to improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists along Prince Charles Road and St Katherine's Road, encouraging more local journeys to be made on foot.

The scheme would address police concerns about the enforceability of a short section of one-way traffic and associated safety concerns about vehicles ignoring the restriction and coming into conflict with other road users.

Although a marginally lower number of residents, mainly living on Beacon Lane and Bettys Mead, are objecting to the proposals, taking into account the safety concerns and comparing traffic levels with other routes in Exeter with similar characteristics, the impacts are considered to be acceptable in highway capacity and safety terms.

Lester Willmington

Head of Highways and Traffic Management

Electoral Divisions: Newtown & Polsloe and Pinhoe & Mincinglake

Local Government Act 1972: List of Background Papers

Contact for enquiries: David Huxham

Room No. ABG, Lucombe House, County Hall, Exeter

Tel No: (01392) 385089

Background Paper


File Reference



sc/cr/permanent closure prince charles road

04 hq 090413

Appendix I

To HTM/13/40

Appendix II

To HTM/13/40

Responses to Advertised Traffic Regulation Order.

Prince Charles Road response summary:




DCC comments


Resident #1

Beacon Lane

The closure of this road has led to displacement of traffic on to Beacon lane. This has been done without any due care or consideration for the residents or users of this road.

It was also in the original development plans for this road to be left open so the planning process has been ignored.

Higher levels of traffic have led to further congestion, speeding and incidents of road rage. Pedestrians including many school children have been put at risk due to lack of an appropriate crossing to the local playing fields and subsequent schools. Many cross on a blind corner from both directions and the lack of effective traffic calming measures along this road also mean that they compromise their own safety every time they cross.

Pedestrians using the paths alongside Beacon lane have also been put at risk due to many incidents of drivers diverting on to the pavement to create space in this bottlenecked stretch of road.

Residents are unable to access their driveways due to high volumes of traffic and are subject to regular abuse from frustrated motorists. Vehicle users have also been put at risk by having no clear indication of who has right of way along the bottleneck increasing the potential for collisions.

The sudden displacement of traffic has substantially increased noise levels along Beacon lane affecting the quality of life for residents and their ability to lead a private life as is their right. This can be particularly attributed to increased use from HGVs and in particular those associated with the new store.

The frequency and volume of traffic means that there are now very few hours in the day without disruptive noise.

This is not an exhaustive list but it is clear that neither of these points have been taken into consideration when closing this road. The purported safety concerns justifying this road closure are unproven as there is no history of safety concerns along St Katherines Road or Prince Charles Road. There were also no objections from police or local residents to the original plans showing this road would remain open. This is purely a decision that has been made to serve the interests of the new store and has given Morrisons a monopoly on exits from the new roundabout and priority use of this road. Local residents however have been left significantly worse off and have been excluded from the decision making process.

Engineering solutions being pursued, including potential for new junction scheme with Calthorpe Road to relieve congestion.

Proposed primary cycle route scheme as part of Exeter Cycling Strategy includes for safe pedestrian/cycle crossing point in Beacon Lane with traffic calming.

Engineering solutions being pursued, including potential for new junction scheme with Calthorpe Road to relieve congestion.

To be considered as part of citywide HGV routing strategy. Restrictions apply at railway bridge in Beacon Lane.


Resident #2

Beacon Lane

Since the temporary closure of St Katherine's road, Beacon Lane has become much busier which has created safety issues.

Cars are frequently mounting the pavement in an attempt to get past each other and I regularly observe verbal aggression between drivers heading in opposite directions.

At the T-junction at the top of the road there is often deadlock whereby no cars can travel down Beacon lane due to a back up of traffic heading up Beacon Lane.

I have seen cyclists nearly hit by drivers who are unable to see the cyclists due to the back up of traffic waiting to come down Beacon lane.

In addition, the noise has significantly increased and heavy lorries (including Morrisons delivery lorries) are often seen travelling up and down Beacon Lane.

Due to the increased volume of traffic it has become more difficult to pull out of our driveway and we are often beeped by other cars rushing down the road.

Engineering solutions being pursued, including potential for new junction scheme with Calthorpe Road to relieve congestion.

To be considered as part of citywide HGV routing strategy. Restrictions apply at railway bridge in Beacon Lane.


Resident #3

Beacon Lane

The closure has caused a massive increase in traffic along the top end of Beacon Lane. This has caused increased congestion, noise, pollution and increased danger to pedestrians and cyclists in this section of Beacon Lane and those trying to cross Beacon Lane into and out of Bettys Mead Park.

This is particularly so for the school children walking from St Katherines Rd into the park and back during rush hours.

The residents of Beacon Lane were not consulted properly about this change to the road layout and it has caused a significant reduction in our quality of life.

It is only a matter of time before there is a serious accident in the upper section of Beacon Lane. There are other solutions including making St Katherines Rd and the upper section of Beacon Lane one-way.

Proposed primary cycle route scheme as part of Exeter Cycling Strategy includes for safe pedestrian/cycle crossing point in Beacon Lane with traffic calming.

Approximately 200 letters originally sent out to local residents including Beacon lane.

Considered at working party meeting and dismissed on grounds as described in report.


Resident #4

Beacon Lane

I have noticed a substantial increase in the volume of traffic passing through.

This has increased the level of congestion and erratic driving including cars driving on the pavement to get by.

Surely a better road network can be planned to accommodate such a large development such as Morrisons?

It doesn't seem to make sense to divert traffic AWAY from the new roundabout!

Engineering solutions being pursued, including potential for new junction scheme with Calthorpe Road to relieve congestion.


Resident #5

Beacon Lane

There is still a 'rat-run' through St Katherines Road to Calthorpe Road with traffic ignoring 20mph.

Due to increased traffic and parked vehicles the junctions in the immediate area are becoming dangerous. In particularly, the junctions of St Katherines Road with Calthorpe Road and Latimer Road. Drivers have to reverse into Calthorpe Road to allow vehicles through.

Traffic had a safe free flow prior to Prince Charles Road closure so on grounds of road safety please reopen the junction.

It would also be prudent for appropriate authority to enforce the statute of vehicles parking within 10 metres of the junction.

Parking Restrictions at/near junctions may be reviewed as necessary.

Refer to CPE Officers.


Resident #6


We object to the proposed traffic order as we have increased traffic along Beacon Lane at the junction with Calthorpe Rd. There is often gridlock at busy times due to cars trying to turn right onto Beacon Lane from Calthorpe Road meeting queueing traffic on Beacon Lane. There have been vehicles mounting the pavement to release this gridlock.

This is more of a risk to pedestrians, cyclists & other road users

Potential for new junction scheme with Calthorpe Road to relieve congestion.

Proposed primary cycle route scheme as part of Exeter Cycling Strategy includes for safe pedestrian/cycle crossing point in Beacon Lane with traffic calming.


Resident #7


As residents of Bettys Mead we object to TROs, in conjunction with the plans to close of the access from Prince Charles Road to St Katherines Road.



Various addresses (Beacon Lane)

27 signatures

Strongly object to the TROs on the following grounds:

Safety Planning are trying to implement the order on safety grounds. No safety concerns were raised at the planning stage by any parties. The marginal purported safety issues of closing the one way do not balance up with the displacement of traffic.

The displacement of traffic has created the following safety issues:

Pedestrians there is no safe crossing point to access Bettys Mead playing fields, including access to the primary and secondary schools. Entrance is on a blind corner and there are insufficient traffic calming measures. Pedestrians on the Beacon Lane footpath are being put at risk by the substantial increase in traffic. We have photographic evidence of cars mounting the footway when they are at a stand-off with other drivers.

Residents there is more speeding, congestion and road rage along Beacon Lane and safety has been compromised. People are unable to reverse into their drives due to the volume of traffic and have to reverse into the road instead. Parents fear their children will run out into the road and elderly people are forced to leave their vehicles at home, removing their independence.

Motorists traffic is being diverted away from the new roundabout and being directed onto smaller roads, causing bottlenecks due to parked vehicles. This is leading to bottlenecks on the blind corner and backing up of traffic into Calthorpe Road. There is no effective traffic calming measures and speeding is common. The T-junction at the top of Beacon Lane is not fit for purpose. HGV's from Morrisons are using Beacon Lane for access.

Noise Section 7 of the Human Rights Act states citizens have the right to a private life. The sudden increase in traffic has increased noise and impacted on residents private life. This is due to an increase traffic, incl HGV's, use of horns and occurs from early morning until late at night.

Those making these changes have shown disregard to local residents and have pushed through changes for the benefit of the store only. No consideration has been given to the impact on residents along Beacon Lane. There is no evidence of any Road Safety Analysis along Beacon Lane.

A temporary order has been misused as it was put in place to allow for the development of the new store and roundabout only. New plans have been rushed through and excluded from the proper process. We strongly resent the dishonest practice.

We ask that any plans are subject to proper processes that include public consultation prior to execution.

Proposed primary cycle route scheme as part of Exeter Cycling Strategy includes for safe pedestrian/cycle crossing point in Beacon Lane with traffic calming.

Engineering solutions being pursued, including potential for new junction scheme with Calthorpe Road to relieve congestion.

Refer to CPE Officers.

Parking Restrictions at/near junctions may be reviewed as necessary.

To be considered as part of citywide HGV routing strategy. Restrictions apply at railway bridge in Beacon Lane.

Approximately 200 letters originally sent out to local residents including Beacon lane. TRO advertised in accordance with policy and consultation responses considered herein.


Resident #8

Whitchurch Avenue

Please amend the proposed order from "Prohibition of Vehicles" to "Prohibition of Motor Vehicles" so that cyclists can continue to use this route.

There are designated, off-road cycle lanes which are unaffected by this Traffic Regulation Order.

Resident #9

Hill Barton Lane

Permanent works have been undertaken under a "temporary" Order and form an illegal obstruction. All development and road layout works have been complete for a substantial period of time and the diversion signing as part of the "temporary" prohibition of traffic has been removed.

The permanent works for the prohibition of traffic were carried out prior to any consultation on the changed layout to that consulted on as part of the planning application. DCC had their opportunity as part of the planning process to comment on the road layout proposals, which were approved and yet now appear to believe that this prohibition is necessary of facilitate the new road layout.

No formal consultation has been carried out prior to this permanent Order being advertised, despite assurances from DCC, thus not following their processes.

DCC have allowed the Developer to permanently prohibit traffic without considering the traffic impact of their actions, without the appropriate PTRO and without any consideration of engineering solutions to assist the local community.

DCC appear unable to spell Morrisons correctly in their Statement of Reasons.

The existing one way Order was made in 1968 and thus I am unclear how its removal will maintain the character of the existing road.

These proposals have caused considerable safety concerns/road rage/air quality issues on Beacon Lane along with extensive queuing of traffic on Calthorpe Road being held up by right turning traffic into Beacon Lane.

It is always considered that a development will bring betterment to a community. In the case of Beacon Lane residents they are currently experiencing the consequences of the shift of traffic from this prohibition along with other prohibitions from other developments in the area.

With the permanent works having already been undertaken it would appear that the making of this permanent order is a fait au complait.

Refer to paragraph 11 of the report.

Approximately 200 letters originally sent out to local residents including Beacon lane. Hill Barton Lane was not included in the original consultation exercise, being in a different electoral division.

Refer to paragraph 11 of the report.

Engineering solutions are being considered and pursued.

Refer to paragraph 11 of the report.

Resident #10

Beacon Lane

I have been a resident of Beacon lane since 1952, I have never known Beacon lane to be like it is since closing off St Katherines road. The increase in traffic has made this road more dangerous and the noise from the extra traffic and lorries is making life quite unbearable.

I cannot cross the road because it is far too dangerous and I am unable to use my car as I struggle to get it on and off my drive with all the traffic. I have lost much of my independence as a result. I see cars driving on the pavement and often children coming very close to speeding cars when trying to cross the road for school or the playing field. I remember when this road was no more than a narrow lane so have seen a number of changes over the years, most against the wishes of residents. Closing off this road for the benefit of the new Morrisons store has had a negative impact on Beacon lane and for once I wish the council would listen to the people who live on this road. We've asked for a one way system before and we are asking for one again.

Engineering solutions are being considered and pursued.

Resident #11


The temporary closure has caused a very heavy increase in traffic on Beacon Lane between its junctions with St Katherines Road and Calthorpe Road.

Traffic at the junction of Calthorpe Road is often at standstill and tail backs which will get worse with the building within Pinhoe.

Beacon Lane is narrow whilst St Katherines Road is wider and able to take some traffic.

The closure was not part of the original plans and no prior safety or impact assessment has been carried out.

I struggle to cross the road and have to dodge cyclists who now use the pavement and cars using the pavement as a passing place.

Please reconsider and consult with local residents widely.

Potential for new junction scheme with Calthorpe Road to relieve congestion.

Resident #12

Beacon Lane

We propose 2 options:

1 remove the illegal obstruction and restore the road to its original.

2 Create a one way system (see plan), this should include appropriate weight and width restrictions to restrict HGVs. This would allow for a safer environment for cyclists, pedestrians, children and elderly.

Resident #13

Beacon Lane

I am 88 years old and have been a resident of Beacon lane since 1952. I have never known Beacon lane to be like it is since closing off St Katherine's road. The increase in traffic has made this road far more dangerous and the noise from the extra traffic and lorries is making life quite unbearable. I care for my disabled husband so struggle to get much sleep but I am often woken by the noise coming from the road. I cannot cross the road because it is far too dangerous and I am unable to use my car as I struggle to get it on and off my drive with all the traffic. I have lost much of my independence as a result. I see cars driving on the pavement and often children coming very close to speeding cars when trying to cross the road for school or the playing field. I remember when this road was no more than a narrow lane, so have seen a number of changes over the years, most against the wishes of residents. Closing off this road for the benefit of the new Morrisons store has had a negative impact on Beacon lane and for once I wish the council would listen to the people who live on this road. We've asked for a one way system before and we are asking for one again.

Engineering solutions being pursued, including potential for new junction scheme with Calthorpe Road to relieve congestion and crossing point as part of cycling strategy.

One-way system would not reduce speed of vehicles.

Resident #14

Beacon Lane

I object to this order because the closure of St Katherines Rd for the convenience of the Morrisons Development has caused a massive increase in traffic along the top end of Beacon Lane. This has caused increase congestion, noise, pollution and increased danger to pedestrians and cyclists in this section of Beacon Lane and those trying to cross Beacon Lane into and out of Bettys Mead Park. This is particularly so for the many schoolchildren walking from St Katherines Rd into the park and back during rush hours. The residents of Beacon Lane were not consulted properly about this change to the road layout and it has caused a significant reduction in our quality of life. It is only a matter of time before there is a serious accident in the upper section of Beacon Lane. There are other solutions including making St Katherines Rd and the upper section of Beacon Lane one-way.

Engineering solutions being pursued, including potential for new junction scheme with Calthorpe Road to relieve congestion and crossing point as part of cycling strategy.

One-way system would not reduce speed of vehicles.



Resident #15

St Katherines Road

The council officers attending the working group meeting were clear and efficient in their delivery and organisation;

I wish the closure to remain permanent as do the majority who signed the petition in favour of this

St James school wish it to remain permanent

there are possible alternatives to ease any situation which has arisen due to the closure;

the cycle route was put on place on the right, going up the road so people moaning about the tiny stretch at the top on the left need to remember this;

there is a spare and unused crescent of land at the top of Beacon Lane/corner of Calthorpe Road; this, and the spare crescent of pavement on the adjacent side, could be used to create space for EITHER a mini roundabout or a filter to the left or right system;

family living in large house on corner of St. K's and Beacon Lane, whose address is actually Beacon Lane, report absolutely no increase in the volume of traffic;

the safe route for pedestrians and cyclist which the closure has afforded has meant a really big increase in the number of schoolchildren and cyclists using the route;

I haven't personally done any survey but suggest that if the council did, that these facts would be verified.

Resident #16

St. Katherine's Rd.

I agree to the emplacement of a no right turn onto Calthorpe Rd on the provision that the barricade at the division between St Katherine's Rd and Prince Charles Rd stays.

Resident #17

St. Katherine's Rd.

I agree to the revocation of the right turn into Calthorpe Rd on the provision that the road closure at the junction of St Katherines Rd and Prince Charles Rd stays as it is.

Resident #18

St. Katherine's Rd.

I wish to support the permanent road closure at Prince Charles Road. I live in St Katherine's Road and before the closure my road was used as a rat run from Pinhoe Road through to Prince Charles Road. If the road is reopened it will encourage people to use it as a short cut to Morrisons which will make the road extremely dangerous.

Resident #19

St. Katherine's Rd.

Please leave in the bollards between St Katherines Road and Prince Charles Road as it is making our road much safer. Thank you.

Resident #20

St. Katherine's Rd.

I support the plan to revoke The City and County of the City of Exeter (Prince Charles Road) (One-Way Traffic) Order 1968 provided the temporary barrier at the end of St. Katherine's Road closest to Morrisons is made permanent, in the interest of road-safety.

Resident #21

St. Katherine's Rd.

I agree with this revocation PROVIDED THAT the closure between the west end of St. Katherines Road and the east end of Prince Charles Road comprising kerbs and bollards remains in situ. I DO NOT want St. Katherines Road to have vehicular access to Prince Charles Road via the closed junction, nor to have access to the un-named road via the same junction which leads in to the north eastern side of Morrissons supermarket. Please keep this junction CLOSED.

Resident #22

St. Katherine's Rd.

No problem with this as long as you keep the road closed and bollards in place between Prince Charles road/Morrisons and St Katherine's road.

Resident #23

St. Katherine's Rd.

Please keep the bollards and kerbs in place between St Katherines Road and Prince Charles Road plus the new road in to Morrisons.